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Where do you get your education?Teachers. College and university.If you stop there with the answer, your concept of getting educated is utterly wrong. Education is not something other people give to you. It’s something you earn by yourself. It’s all about how кракен much will you invest in the process.When you move away from the grades and degrees, what are you left with? Do you know enough about the world that surrounds you? Never! You never know enough!The process of self-education continues throughout our entire life. In a way, learning is a goal that gives us direction and sense.You’re still not convinced? We’ll list 5 great benefits you’ll get by staying committed to self-education.1. Through Self-Education, We Deepen Our Knowledge and InterestsBill Gates got enough education, right? That didn’t stop him кракен from learning. This is what he said in an interview for The New York Times, answering the question what role reading plays in his life “It is one of the chief ways that I learn, and has been since I was a kid. These days, I also get to visit interesting places, meet with scientists and watch a lot of lectures online. But reading is still the main way that I both learn new things and test my understanding.”Self-paced learning makes you proficient in any skill and profession. The more you do it, the better you become.2. It Boosts Your Willpower“When most people first take an online course, they get stuck,” – says Pimen Brown, a writer from AussieWritings.com. “They come to get help with different projects, and many give up somewhere along the way. It’s not time or skill they lack. It’s willpower. If they are persistent, however, they go through the course although they struggle with it. Then, they take another one. With time, learning becomes easy. They see it as a necessity and they are fully committed to it.”Your willpower will grow as you push yourself to achieve the goals you set. Self-education helps you develop discipline and will. It builds a strong character.3. You Make ConnectionsWhen you’re committed to learning, you start taking online courses. The best platforms for online learning give you access to discussion forums related to the courses you take. There, you communicate with other people with similar interests and goals. Moreover, you connect with elite tutors.If you start attending conferences and seminars related to your interest, you’ll develop even more connections. Self-education gives you an ability to choose a personal mentor, who will guide you towards progress.4. You’re Developing Time Management SkillsSelf-paced learning is not as easy as it seems. If you already have a job or you’re studying, it’s hard to fit this goal within your schedule. When you’re committed enough, however, you’ll find a way to compress more goals and responsibilities in a day. That’s called smart time management.You’ll do that by achieving higher levels of focus. Here are three simple tips to help you with that:Use Strict Workflow or StayFocusd to block online distractions. These browser extensions limit your access to social media, Bored Panda, and other websites you don’t need and don’t want работает while working or studying.Get enough sleep! Proper time-management is not about doing as much as possible within a day. It’s about doing things as effectively as possible. There’s a difference. You can be effective at learning only when you have enough energy. Sleep is necessary!Do some yoga in the morning. You’ll stretch out your body, but you’ll also relax your mind and you’ll be ready to grab all challenges the day throws at you.5. Self-Education May Change Your Career PathSo you got an MBA, but you don’t find yourself on that path? You were always interested in psychology and you’re sorry you didn’t get such a degree? Well, you can always learn the things you want to know. You don’t need to go to school for that. You don’t even have to pay for expensive courses; there are tons of resources that help you learn for free.Once you know enough, you can get a certificate and combine the new interest with your old profession. Business psychology is a very attractive industry nowadays.Whatever interest you focus on, it can take your career path in a better direction. All it takes is commitment and strong willpower. With that, everything is possible.Although traditional college and university education is still important, we should never stay limited to it. As a deeply enthusiastic person, you’ll always keep learning. You’ll get tons of benefits along the way, but this is the most important one: you’ll become a more interesting person. The more you know, the more attractive you become.GET THE BOOK BY
ERIN FALCONER!Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.ORDER YOURS TODAY!
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